to try to find out {about}
Trying to find out.
ان اعرفه
I'm trying to find out.
أنا أحاول أن أعرف
I'll try to find out.
سأُحاولُ أن أعرفَ ذلك
I'm trying to find out.
انا احاول ان اجد ذلك
We're trying to find out.
مازلنا لم نعرف بعد .
We're trying to find out.
.نحاول معرفة ذلك
That's what I'm trying to find out.
هذا ما أحاول إكتشافه
- Why? - We're trying to find out.
لماذا؟ - نحاول معرفة ذلك -
That's what I'm trying to find out.
هذا ماأحاول ...اكتشافه ، و أنا
I will try to find out.
سأحاول أكتشاف ذلك