excommunication [pl. excommunications]
Ishould be excommunicated.
أظن أني سأُطرَد من الكنيسة يوما ما
He's excommunicated you again.
لقد طردك ثانية
In other words, excommunication.
. وبمعنى أخر، سيحرمون كنسياً
An anathema. An excommunication.
لعنة- عزل كنسي-
- Excommunicated. And Why?
لن يتحدث إليك أحد - ولماذا؟ -
Excommunicate the entire city,
نحرم كل المدينة
They can excommunicate him. They...
هم يستطيعون عزله هم -
Then we will excommunicate him.
عندها سنكفره
And then he was excommunicated.
وتم طرده فيما بعد
And then he was excommunicated.
.ثم نُبذ لاحقاً