The representative of Chile explained that his delegation had voted in favour of the motion because the replies of the NGO had been completely satisfactory in the past three or four sessions of the NGO Committee, and because although the work of Freedom House might be discomfiting for some Governments, it was, nevertheless, independent and in line with Council resolution 1996/31.
وأوضح ممثل شيلي أن وفده قد صوت مؤيدا الاقتراح لأن الردود التي قدمتها المنظمة غير الحكومية كانت مرضية تماما في الدورات الثلاث أو الأربع الماضية التي عقدتها اللجنة المعنية بالمنظمات غير الحكومية ولأنها منظمة مستقلة تراعي أحكام قرار المجلس 1996/31 رغم أن عملها قد يضايق بعض الحكومات.
And leave out the ones who have taken to themselves their religion for a plaything and a diversion, and whom the present (Literally: lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) life has deluded. And remind with it (i.e., with the true religion ( Islam) so that a self should not be discomfited for what it has earned. Apart from Allah, it has no patron or intercessor. And in case it has (performed) all (acts) of justice, (Literally: if it does Justice with all Justice) it will not be taken from it. Those are they who are discomfited for what they have earned; they will have a drink of scalding (water) and a painful torment for what they used to disbelieve.
وذر الذين اتخذوا دينهم لعبا ولهوا وغرتهم الحياة الدنيا وذكر به أن تبسل نفس بما كسبت ليس لها من دون الله ولي ولا شفيع وإن تعدل كل عدل لا يؤخذ منها أولئك الذين أبسلوا بما كسبوا لهم شراب من حميم وعذاب أليم بما كانوا يكفرون