"I smell a robust, slightly acidic mixture of minerals, salts, perspiration, and musk...
اشم رائحه ونوع من الالهام كبير
Micro-algae spirulina contained 71 per cent protein, 15 vitamins and 11 mineral salts, micronutrients essential for life.
وتحتوي مادة المايكرو ألغا سبيرولينا على 71 في المائة من البروتين، و15 فيتامينا، و11 ملحا معدنيا، والمغذيات الدقيقة الضرورية للحياة.
Complete medical examination including weight and height measurements and a dental check-up; Laboratory studies (urine, for sugar and protein; and blood, for haemoglobin, Rh factor, hepatitis B, complete blood picture and AIDS); Checking of the viability and natural growth of the foetus within the womb (ultrasound imaging of the uterus, auscultation of foetal heart rate); Preparation for natural breast feeding through the necessary consciousness-raising; The offering of the necessary treatment for certain simple occurrences, in addition to vitamins and mineral salts.
• تقديم العلاج اللازم لبعض الحالات البسيطة، بالإضافة إلى الفيتامينات والأملاح المعدنية.
Complete medical examination including weight and height measurements and a dental check-up; Laboratory studies (urine, for sugar and protein; and blood, for haemoglobin, Rh factor, hepatitis B, complete blood picture and AIDS); Checking of the viability and natural growth of the foetus within the womb (ultrasound imaging of the uterus, auscultation of foetal heart rate); Preparation for natural breast feeding by means of the necessary consciousness-raising; The offering of the necessary treatment for certain simple occurrences, in addition to vitamins and mineral salts.
• الفحوصات المعملية (فحص البول: السكر والزلال، وفحص الدم: الهيموجلوبين، عامل الريزوس والالتهاب الكبدي ب، وفحص الدم الكامل: الإيدز)؛