to shrive [ shrove ; shriven ]
That's very small... and shrively.
انه صغير جدا... ويرتعش
- Shrive, that's a dry hole! - Coming out!
المكان خالي هي الى الخارج
-Not shriving-time allowed. -How was this sealed?
- بدون إضاعـة أي وقــت - وكيف أغلقـت الرسالـة ؟
Bid her to come to confession this afternoon and there she shall, at Friar Laurence's cell, be shrived... and married.
وسيتم زواجها في غرفة الأب لورانس
Bid her to come to confession this afternoon... ...and there she shall, at Friar Laurence's cell, be shrived... ...and married.
أطلبي منها الذهاب للإعتراف هذا المساء وسيتم زواجها في غرفة الأب لورانس