It's hard to put into words.
.من الصعب شرحها في كلمات
Something he can't put into words.
. شيئا ما لايستطيع التعبير عنه
It's hard to put into words.
من الصعب صياغته في كلمات
It's difficult to put into words.
،يصعب وصف حالتي ...كلّ شيء
It's difficult to put into words. Everything...
،يصعب وصف حالتي ...كلّ شيء
It's hard to put into words.
من الصعب حصرها في كلمات
It's hard to put into words.
من الصعب صياغاتها في كلمات
It's hard to put into words.
يصعب وصفه
It's very hard to put into words.
إنه لمن الصعب شرح ذلك بكلمات
It's hard to put into words.
صعب ان تقال بالكلام