And for you? Vod...ka.
ولك ؟ (فود ... كا) -
Vod...ka? Just vodka? Not even an ice and a slice?
فود .. كا) فقط (فودكا) ؟) ليس حتى ثلج وشريحة ؟
High speed 70.4% Low cost 7.1% Hours a day logon 5.0% Attractive services such as VOD 1.2% Available in office 15.7% Others 0.6%
- توفيره الاتصال بالإنترنت 24 ساعة يومياً 5.0%
In 2008, the Unified List of indigenous minorities of the Russian Federation was expanded to include one of the country's most ancient ethnic groups, the Vod.
وقد وسع نطاق القائمة الموحدة للشعوب الأصلية القليلة التعداد في الاتحاد الروسي لتشمل إحدى أقدم الطوائف في البلد - شعب فود.
Email 91.8% News group 20.7% Search engine 70.0% Software downloading / uploading 43.0% Information acquiring 37.8% Online chatting 45.4% BBS, Community forum 22.6% Free personal website hosting 6.2% E-Government 2.1% Net games 18.2% Online shopping 11.7% Short message 7.8% Online education 8.9% E-magazine 8.2% IP Telephone 1.0% Online Hospital 0.8% Online Bank 4.3% Stock trading 5.4% Online auction 1.1% Ticket / Hotel reservation 0.5% Online Video Meeting 0.5% VOD 5.3% Living broadcasting 3.7% Multimedia (Enjoy MP3, FLASH, etc) 13.0% Telnet 1.2% Information promulgation 3.5% Online Spreading 0.9% Online sale 1.3% Informatized system ERP, CRM, SCM 1.1% Others 0.2%
- خدمات متعددة الوسائط (التمتع ببرامج مثل MP3 وFLASH وغيرها) 13.0٪