to unshackle [ unshackled ; unshackled ]
Unshackle him.
فكوا قيوده
Unshackle him.
أزل قيوده
Unshackle him.
.فكوا قيوده
Unshackle him,please.
فكوا اصفاده رجاءاً
Unshackle his legs.
فكوا قيد قدميه
"you can unshackle others
" يمكن أن تحرّر الآخرين
Unshackle the sergeant.
حرر النقيب
Unshackle the sergeant.
فُكَ قيود الرقيب
Unshackle his legs.
فكّوا قيود ساقيه
Unshackle her, please.
.فك قيدها، من فضلك