Go and unriddle together, with the High Doctor.
. اذهب و حل اللغز معا , مع الطبيبة السماوية
I'm told he's been thoroughly unriddled by Rita Skeeter... ...in 800 pages, no less.
لقد قيل لي إنه تم كشفه عن طريق ريتا سكيتر في 800 صفحة لا أقل
I'm told he's been thoroughly unriddled by Rita Skeeter... ...in 800 pages, no less.
قيل لي أنّ كل شيء قد كُشف (عنه النقاب من قبل (ريتا سكيتر في 800 صفحة من دون نقصان
Once what's in the book has been unriddled, then the path to heaven can be possible found, is what the High Doctor believes.
, عندما يتم الكشف عن اللغز الذي في الدفتر , إذا الطريق إلي السماء من الممكن إيجاده . هذا ما تعتقده الطبيبة السماوية
Bob was certain that the man had unriddled him... had seen through his reasons for coming along... that Jesse could forecast each of Bob's possible moves and inclinations... and was only acting the innocent... in order to lull Bob into stupid tranquility and miscalculation.
بوب كان متأكدا بأن جسي قد كشفه لقد استنتج خلال ما رأي بأن جسي كان يتنبأ بجميع حركات بوب وميوله
Bob was certain that the man had unriddled him... ...had seen through his reasons for coming along... ...that Jesse could forecast each of Bob's possible moves and inclinations... ...and was only acting the innocent... ...in order to lull Bob into stupid tranquility and miscalculation.
بوب كان متأكدا بأن جسي قد كشفه لقد استنتج خلال ما رأي بأن جسي كان يتنبأ بجميع حركات بوب وميوله
Bob was certain that the man had unriddled him... ...had seen through his reasons for coming along... ...that Jesse could forecast each of Bob's possible moves and inclinations... ...and was only acting the innocent... ...in order to lull Bob into stupid tranquility and miscalculation.
كان (بوب) متأكداً من أنّ الرجل قد حلّ لُغزهُ عرف أسباب مجيئه أنّ (جيسي) يمكنُه أن يتنبّأ بكل حركة يقوم بها (بوب) أو ميولِه
Bob was certain that the man had unriddled him... ...had seen through his reasons for coming along... ...that Jesse could forecast each of Bob's possible moves and inclinations... ...and was only acting the innocent... ...in order to lull Bob into stupid tranquility and miscalculation.
كشفه قد جسي بأن متأكدا كان بوب رأي ما خلال استنتج لقد وميوله بوب حركات بجميع يتنبأ كان جسي بأن