Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat.
المِحرف الذي يجب إضافته بعد الأسماء عند استعمال (Tab) لتكملة الأسماء في المحادثات الجماعية.
Education and training (information and awareness programmes in educational centres, conferences and chat groups for parents and teachers, etc.).
• التعليم والتدريب (برامج المعلومات والتوعية في المراكز التعليمية والمؤتمرات ومجموعات الحوار للوالدين والمدرسين، إلخ. )؛
Messages can be conveyed through text, drama, song, comedy, contests (such as posters, essays or paintings), publicity events (book launches and debates), on-line chat groups and public meetings.
(ح) ويمكن لتشجيع المشاركة العامة في عملية صنع القرارات المتعلقة بتغير المناخ وإتاحة حصول الجمهور على المعلومات أن يؤديا دوراً بالغ الأهمية أيضاً.
University students in the regions of the proposed damshave also become engaged through Internet chat groups. Environmental activists have found allies among officials within China’s State Environmental Protection Administration, Meteorological Administration, and Forestry Bureau.
ولقد وجد الناشطون في مجال الدفاع عن البيئة حلفاء لهم من بينالمسئولين الرسميين داخل إدارة حماية البيئة التابعة للدولة، وإدارةالأرصاد الجوية، ومكتب حماية الغابات.
In an effort to overcome barriers to contraceptive use, the Key Social Marketing Project in Pakistan built demand for contraception and access to reproductive health services through television, distribution of audiocassettes, community chat groups, and private sector provider training.5 In the Islamic Republic of Iran, religious leaders, merchants and teachers received training in order to remove cultural barriers to the use of reproductive health and family planning services.25
وفي جمهورية إيران الإسلامية، تلقى القادة الدينيون والتجار والأساتذة تدريبا على أساليب تذليل العقبات الثقافية الحائلة دون استعمال خدمات الصحة الإنجابية وتنظيم الأسرة(25).
The governance parameters such as responsibility, accountability, participative, inclusive, responsive, efficiency and effectiveness of decision making processes in public policy domain and delivery of public services and goods, in business transactions and social interaction are under going structural changes; Emerging social cohesion and human dimension and giving rise to borderless communities of varying degree of interest and chat groups ranging from Formula One forum to sophisticated ALQeda Network, constituting multi-nationals and “net-citizenry” characteristics, social digital inclusion elements et cetera; In the economic realm productivity at firm level and competitiveness of a nation in borderless environment being challenged through globalization phenomena and market liberation activities; Emerging work force and culture entailing concepts such as teleworking, “work travels” on contrary to people travel or migrate, rise of networked information and knowledge worker in comparison to information worker that Peter Drucker mooted in the sixties et cetera; The traditional learning parameters are also taking new shape through the life long learning concept which become viable and meaningful through Internet driven opportunities such as distance, online and open education systems; Emerging information and knowledge divides are accentuating the existing socio-economic disparity that is usually characterized as urban rural or income differential issues and thus posing new threats and challenges in narrowing the societal gaps; The knowledge and resource sharing culture also becoming a way of life among individuals, institutions and organizations as well as private corporations by promoting web-based information system, virtual networking complementing face-to-face meeting and networking; The integration and aggregation of technology, people and institutions globally has given rise information explosion and its proliferation is unprecedented in human history.
وفي خضم هذه الظواهر الجديدة، يحدث تفاعل بين الناس والمؤسسات وبين التكنولوجيا يمكن وصفه "بالرقاقة البشرية"، وذلك، لمجرد أن المعلومات تتدفق إلى الفرد أو المؤسسة وتخرج منهما، بغض النظر عن المكان الجغرافي والوقت، عندما يتم الاتصال بأساليب ووسائل الاتصال المباشر وبالوقت الحقيقي (الهواتف الخلوية وشبكة الإنترنت والفاكس وما إلى ذلك). وفي الوقت ذاته، أصبح الناس والمؤسسات يشكلون جزءاً لا يتجزأ من نظام المعلومات والاتصالات العصري مما يؤدي إلى عدد من التغيرات في كافة مجالات المجتمع، ومن بينها: