As mentioned above in paragraph 11 (c), a shift from hard-copy-based referencing of translation jobs to electronic referencing is a key component of the CAT project.
كما ذكر سابقا في الفقرة 11 (ج)، فإن الانتقال من ممارسة تزويد أعمال الترجمة بالمراجع المستندية إلى عملية تزويدها بالمراجع الإلكترونية إنما يعد عنصرا رئيسيا من عناصر مشروع الترجمة بمساعدة الحاسوب.
What if this cipher tells the location of a treasure and the Bible that you were referencing is the key to cracking this cipher?
والكتاب المُقدّس الذي تستخدمينه كمرجع هو مفتاح لحلّ هذه الشفرات؟
A short, objective, non-technical summary of the purpose and context of the project; A description of the project: Project purpose; Contribution to sustainable development[, as defined in the host Party's national development plan][, as defined in Agenda 21 and the relevant multilateral environmental agreements];] Technical description of the project and a description of the transfer of technology, including viability of technological choices; Information regarding project location and its region; Brief description of the project boundaries (geo-referenced); Key parameters affecting future developments relevant to the baseline as well as the CDM project activity;
`1` الانبعاثات البشرية المنشأ بحسب مصادرها [وتعزيز عمليات الإزالة البشرية] التي تعتبر ذات شأن ويمكن بصورة معقولة أن تعزى إلى نشاط المشروع الذي يقع ضمن حدود المشروع؛
Digital signature verification is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message and a given public key, thereby determining whether the digital signature was created for that same message using the private key that corresponds to the referenced public key.
التحقق من صحة التوقيع الرقمي هو عملية تدقيق للتوقيع الرقمي بالرجوع الى الرسالة الأًصلية والى مفتاح عمومي معين للبت فيما اذا كان ذلك التوقيع الرقمي قد أنشئ لتلك الرسالة ذاتها باستخدام المفتاح الخصوصي المناظر للمفتاح العمومي المشار اليه.
Digital signature verification is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message and a given public key, thereby determining whether the digital signature was created for that same message using the private key that corresponds to the referenced public key.
التحقق من صحة التوقيع الرقمي هو عملية تدقيق للتوقيع الرقمي بالرجوع الى الرسالة الأًصلية والى مفتاح عمومي معين للبت فيما اذا كان ذلك التوقيع الرقمي قد أنشئ لتلك الرسالة ذاتها باستخدام المفتاح الخصوصي المناظر للمفتاح العمومي المذكور.
Digital signature verification is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message and a given public key, thereby determining whether the digital signature was created for that same message using the private key that corresponds to the referenced public key.
التحقق من صحة التوقيع الرقمي هو عملية تدقيق للتوقيع الرقمي بالرجوع إلى الرسالة الأصلية والى مفتاح عمومي معين، من أجل البتّ فيما إذا كان ذلك التوقيع الرقمي قد أنشئ لتلك الرسالة ذاتها باستخدام المفتاح الخصوصي المناظر للمفتاح العمومي المذكور في المرجع.
Project design document A project activity shall be described in detail in a project design document and shall include the following: A letter from the designated national authority for the CDM in accordance with paragraph 37, subparagraph (b) and paragraph 38, subparagraph (b) of the annex on modalities and procedures;]; A short, objective, non-technical summary of the purpose and context of the project; A description of the project: Project purpose; [Policy and institutional context: Reference to the policy standards of the host country for the sectors involved; Reference to the host country's legal framework and its degree of implementation; The social actors involved in the design and execution of projects;] Technical description of the project and a description of the transfer of technology, including viability of technological choices; Information regarding project location and its region; Brief description of the project boundaries (geo-referenced); Key parameters affecting future developments relevant to the baseline as well as the CDM project activity; [Socio-economic aspects;] [Influence of the project on the socio-economic situation of the host Party and/or in the specific region in which the project is implemented; Socio-economic impact of the project beyond its project boundaries, in the influence zone; Additional effects (indirect) of the execution and functioning of the project;] [Contribution to sustainable development[, as defined in Agenda 21 and the relevant multilateral environmental agreements];] Proposed baseline methodology: Description of the baseline calculation methodology; Justification that the proposed baseline methodology is appropriate; Justification of proposed crediting period; The estimated operational life of the project; Any other information required to make fully transparent the application of the approved [standardized] [multi-project] baseline to the specific project; Description of key parameters and assumptions used in the baseline estimate; [Project participants shall describe the extent to which national policies (especially distortionary policies such as energy subsidies or incentives to forest clearing) influence the determination of the baseline.
`8` مصادر البيانات المزمع استخدامها لحساب الانبعاثات البشرية المنشأ لخط الأساس بحسب مصادرها [و/أو عمليات الإزالة البشرية بواسطة البواليع] مثل البيانات التاريخية بشأن الانبعاثات البشرية المنشأ بحسب مصادرها [و/أو عمليات الإزالة البشرية بواسطة البواليع] والمتغيرات والمؤشرات المستخدمة؛
The content and structure of the project design document A project activity shall be described in detail in a project design document and shall include the following: A letter from the designated national authority for CDM in [each Party involved] [the host Party] indicating formal acceptance of the proposed project activity, including in relation to aspects of sustainable development which, in the case of the host Party, states [how][that] the project assists the host country in achieving sustainable development; A short objective non-technical summary of the purpose and context of the project; A description of the project: Project purpose; [Policy and institutional context: Reference to the policy standards of the host country for the sectors involved; Reference to the the host country's legal framework and its degree of implementation; The social actors involved in the design and execution of projects;] Technical description of the project and a description of the transfer of technology, including viability of technological choices; Information regarding project location and its region; Brief description of the project boundaries (geo-referenced); Key parameters affecting future developments relevant to the baseline as well as the CDM project activity; [Optional: Socio-economic aspects: Influence of the project on the socio-economic situation of the host Party and/or in the specific region in which the project is implemented; Socio-economic impact of the project beyond its project boundaries, in the influence zone; Additional effects (indirect) of the execution and functioning of the project;] Contribution to sustainable development, as defined in Agenda 21 and the relevant multilateral environmental agreements; Proposed baseline methodology: Description of the baseline calculation methodology chosen (in case of a [standardized] [multi-project] baseline, please indicate the relevant section of the [UNFCCC CDM reference manual]); Justification that the proposed baseline methodology is appropriate; Justification of proposed crediting period; The estimated operational life of the project; Any other information required to make fully transparent the application of the approved [standardized] [multi-project] baseline to the specific project; Description of key parameters and assumptions used in baseline estimate; Project participants shall discuss to which extent national policies (especially distortionary policies such as energy subsidies, or incentives to forest clearing) influence the determination of the baseline.
(أ) رسالة من السلطة الوطنية المعنية لآلية التنمية النظيفة في [كل طرف معني] [الطرف المضيف] تبين القبول الرسمي لنشاط المشروع المقترح ، بما في ذلك ما يتعلق بجوانب التنمية المستدامة، وتذكر في حالة الطرف المضيف ، [كيف] [أن] [يساعد المشروع] [المشروع يساعد] البلد المضيف في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة ؛