unconsummated [ more unconsummated ; most unconsummated ]
Do you realize the consequences of an unconsummated royal marriage?
هل تدركين نتائج الزواج الملكى الغير كامل?
If it is unconsummated, then whose fault is that?
,إذا كان غير كامل عندها خطأ من هذا؟
- It's really good. It's kind of sexy, actually, in like, frustrated, unconsummated sort of way.
إن جد جيد ، و هو مثير بعض الشيء و أنا محبطة شيئاً ما
The prosecutions brought by the Department of Justice include not only incidents resulting in serious damage to persons or property, but also threats by telephone, mail and e-mail, and unconsummated plans to commit violent attacks.
• إلحاق أضرار بمسجد المركز الإسلامي في تالاهاسي (فلوريدا) في شباط/فبراير 2003؛
غير كامل ، منقُوص ، بخس