Your wages will be garnished.
راتبك سيتم خصمه
Occasionally we get aggressive and garnish wages. We do not abduct.
أحياناً نحصل على أجور زهيدة
Well, I shall just garnish your wages until the pilfered items are returned.
حسنا.. سأزين البيت من أجوركم حتى يعاد ما سرق
Well, I shall just garnish your wages until the pilfered items are returned.
إذا، سأخصمُ من راتبكما إلى أن أستعيد الأغراض المسروقة
They've got a judgment against you, a lien to garnish your wages on a monthly basis.
،لديهم قرار ضدك كم؟
I won't start garnishing your wages until you turn 18. Your mom... is she a peach or what?
إنها أمك , أليست رائعة
- How about I fuckin' garnish your wages, put a lien on your garage until I've gotten every cent of the eight grand you owe me?
ماذا عن اذا صادرت اجورك ... ووضعت حق الحجز على مرآبك لغاية أن آخذ كل سنت من ال 8 ألاف دولار التي تدينها لي؟
Ms. Gnacadja asked whether, in the event of a divorce in which child custody was awarded to the wife, the husband could be ordered to pay child support and, if so, whether the law also provided for enforcement measures such as garnishment of wages in the event of non-payment of child support.
السيدة غناكتدجا: سألت إذا كان الزوج يؤمر بدفع نفقة الأطفال في حالة حدوث طلاق ومنح الحضانة إلى الزوجة. وإذا كان الأمر كذلك، فهل يسمح القانون بإنفاذ هذه التدابير عن طريق الخصم من الأجور في حالة عدم دفع نفقة الأطفال.
Protocols must be developed, introduced and enforced for the nationally uniformed, timely and rigorous collection and payment of court ordered maintenance obligations Any necessary efforts to better sensitize court and police officers to the importance of maintenance compliance shall be adopted and implemented Any cost of collection of late or defaulted payments shall be levied on the defaulting payer and not on the payee (or more accurately, the child) Reciprocal maintenance agreements and associated collection arrangements will be established with other countries and especially the United States of America Arrangements will be established by the Family Court to permit the automatic transfer of maintenance payments from the payer to the payee's bank account, and of garnished wages by the employers to that account Attention will be given by GOB to ensure the new Penal Reform Alternative Sentencing (Provisions) specifically accommodate maintenance defaulters without any financial penalty to the payee parent, viz.
• تجبى أي تكلفة تحصيل ناتجة عن تأخير أو تقصير في الدفع من الطرف المقصر في الدفع لا من الطرف المدفوع إليه (أو بتعبير أدق من الطفل).