He's a floor trader At Goldman.
"يتعامل في "غولدمان
So decisions that took floor traders hours to make were now made by computers in nanoseconds.
بحيث القرارات التي يأخدها تجار البورصات في ساعات .الآن تقوم بها الحواسيب في نانو ثانية
And we always bring the kids along so we went in to the credit suite's trading floor with all these traders and there are these 3 year old kids running around and chasing each other around the show floor, around the trading floor.
ونحن نحضر الأولاد دائما لذا دخلنا الى طابق التعامل بالبطاقات الائتمانية , مع كل هؤلاء البائعين والأطفال بعمر 3 سنوات