The international community should recognize that such rises were not exclusively due to higher demand on the part of developing countries.
وينبغي للمجتمع الدولي أن يعترف بأن هذه الزيادات لا ترجع حصراً إلى زيادة الطلب من جانب البلدان النامية.
In one case, a court found that the risk that furniture stored in a warehouse would be lost had not passed to the buyer to whom storage invoices had been issued but to whom delivery was not yet due because by their agreement delivery was due only on the buyer's demand and it had not yet made a demand.
* أعدّت هذه النبذة باستخدام النص الكامل للقرارات المستشهد بها في خلاصات السوابق القضائية المستندة إلى نصوص الأونسيترال (كلاوت) والاشارات الأخرى الواردة في الحواشي.