Maximize ease of use: the layout and site navigation must be clear and straight forward; Provide accurate information in several forms (e.g. e-brochures, virtual tours); Suggest ideas for holidays: places to go and things to do; Differentiate the tourism offer: niche markets, customized (“do it yourself” approach) products and dynamic packaging; Optimize interaction with the customers and offer timely responsiveness; Propose content in the languages of targeted tourism markets and customize the layout and content in the light of the targeted market; Find out how to improve the service and product offer to tune into customers' experience; Ensure the quality of service and product offers; Link with outbound and inbound tourism distributors and ensure search engine optimization; Provide information on the security of transactions.
• تمييز العروض السياحية بعضها عن بعض: الأسواق المتخصصة؛ المنتجات حسب الطلب (منهج قائم على "الاعتماد على الذات") وعروض خدمات متغيرة؛