This is a typical reply by someone who has no grounds or substance for what he says.
وهذا رد مألوف من شخص يوجه اتهاماً لا أساس لـه إطلاقاً.
He argues that the same matter was not examined by the European Court of Human Rights, since the Court dismissed his application on purely formal grounds, without addressing the substance of his claims.
وفضلاً عن ذلك، يجوز للوزير المكلف بالنظام العام أن يراجع قرار احتجاز أي أجنبي ريثما يتم إبعاده.
The delegation of the United Arab Emirates wishes to put on record its dissatisfaction at the inclusion of footnote 7 to article 7 (1) (d) in document PCNICC/2000/WGEC/L.1/Add.1 on the grounds that the substance of that footnote extends the concept of “force” in a manner contrary to the provisions of the Statute.
يود وفد دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة أن يسجل عدم رضاه عن وضع الحاشية رقم 7 الخاصة بالمادة 7 (1) (د) في الوثيقة PCNICC/2000/WGEC/L.1/Add.1 وذلك نظرا لأن مضمون هذه الحاشية يوسع مفهوم “القسرية” وذلك خلافا لأحكام النظام الأساسي.
There was a need to maintain a robust monitoring system capable of delivering important data, such as atmospheric and stratospheric levels of ozone-depleting substances and ground level ultraviolet levels, both currently and in the future; There was a need to improve analytical capabilities for the tracking of ozone- and climate-related source gases and parameters, for detecting and tracking stabilization and expected recovery of stratospheric ozone, for identifying the sources of changes in radiation that lead to changes in the ozone profile, and for deriving a global record of ground level ultraviolet radiation.
(ﻫ) من المستحسن أن تقدم الأمانة اقتراحاً إلى الاجتماع التاسع عشر يهدف إلى تعبئة الموارد اللازمة للرصد؛