Throughout the surgery, different portions of Michael's cerebral cortex will be stimulated, triggering the areas that control senses like hearing, smell, memory.
طوال العمليّة، ستتنشّط أجزاء مختلفة (من قشرة المخ لدى (مايكل مثيرةً المناطق التي تتحكّم في الحواس، كالسمع والشمّ والذاكرة
Throughout the surgery... ...portions of Michael's cerebral cortex will be stimulated... ...triggering the areas that control senses like hearing, smell, memory.
من قشرة دماغ مايكل سوف تحفز مؤثرة على المناطق التي تتحكم بالحواس مثل السمع ، الشم ، الذاكرة
\xA4 Using discrepancy, lyric weaponry lessens your chances of testing me \xA4 \xA4 Stop and freeze M.C.'s I block atrocities \xA4 \xA4 Philosophies from the lips of black Socrates \xA4 \xA4 The pocket-penciler in your peninsula \xA4 \xA4 Killing Dracula M.C. 's who bit from my vernacular \xA4 \xA4 I can back it The ill scene we occupy \xA4 \xA4 No lullaby, got you high when I rock a fly \xA4 \xA4 Verse, for my people let me breathe slow \xA4 \xA4 Give a heave-ho and stimulate your cerebral \xA4 \xA4 System, cut chemist grip the fader Tuna the group debater \xA4
زياد يحييكم ويشكركم