Despite the provisions of the Nouméa Accord, there was as yet no law to protect the local workforce; the number of Kanaks who were successful in the civil service examinations had declined drastically, while the implementation in the private sector of provisions for training Kanak managers was far from adequate, further stimulating immigration.
وبرغم أحكام اتفاق نوميا، لا يوجد حتى الآن قانون لحماية اليد العاملة المحلية؛ وانخفض بصورة شديدة عدد الكاناك الذين نجحوا في امتحانات الخدمة المدنية، في حين أن التنفيذ في القطاع الخاص للأحكام المتعلقة بتدريب المديرين الكاناك غير كاف على الإطلاق، مما يزيد من تشجيع الهجرة الوافدة.
These books are delivered to schools before the start of the school year and are distributed to students free of charge; A total of 3,488 male and female teachers with university qualifications (a bachelor's degree in education) have been recruited to remote areas, together with 9,001 male and female teachers with higher and intermediate diplomas from the Teachers' College and 48 teachers with teaching diplomas; The institutional and legislative structure of educational establishments has been developed by improving their operational and administrative efficiency through decentralization, in addition to which education offices have been vested with full administrative and financial powers; The general education system has been standardized in accordance with Republican Decree No. 60 of 2001, in which emphasis is laid on the standardization of education in terms of both its curricula and management; In a bid to reduce the proportion of failure and drop-out, efforts have been made to ensure adequate school classes, stimulate the role of school management and provide the school buildings, fittings and fixtures needed for education; Subsidies were provided for the centre which produces educational aids and school textbooks in order to meet practical requirements at all stages and levels of education; Micro-training programmes, literacy programmes and pre-school education programmes were prepared by the Education Channel; A number of educational studies and reports were produced, helping the competent authorities to devise and implement the policy for educational development, determine and prioritize educational projects, diagnose educational problems and find remedies for such problems; The School Mapping Project was completed and the future map of educational institutions was drawn; Educational programmes for all stages were broadcast on the Education Channel and those in charge were sensitized to the importance of education, particularly for girls and those with special needs, as well as to the importance of adult education and literacy; Civil-society organizations and local associations were involved in literacy efforts and their resources were used to achieve the objectives.
- وظف 488 3 مدرساً ومدرسة من ذوي المؤهلات الجامعية (بكالوريوس تربية) ووظف كذلك 001 9 مدرس ومدرسة من الحاصلين على دبلوم عال ومتوسط من دار المعلمين، و48 مدرساً من الحاصلين على دبلوم المعلمين في المناطق النائية؛