Encourage affirmative action for women where inequality still exists Encourage positive images of women in society Evaluate Decree C-11 and the Personnel Act Set up structures and start bringing national legislation in line with conventions on women's rights Repeal discriminatory stipulations in the Personnel Act Gender training for government officials, aimed at applying a gender perspective in screening laws and rights, projects and programmes Amendment of the Accident Regulation to recognize concubine status for benefits after the death of the male partner Amendment of the Safety Act, so that pregnant women and breastfeeding women receive extra protection at work Revision of the decree to lift legal incapacity of married women, to close loopholes Follow-up for the ILO project Women Workers' Rights (including education on sexual harassment at work, investigation of gender equality in the Labor Act, etc.) Start amendment of Labor legislation from women's point of view
- متابعة مشروع 'حقوق المرأة العاملة` لمنظمة العمل الدولية (بما يشمل التوعية بالمضايقة الجنسية في مكان العمل، وبحث المساواة بين الجنسين في قانون العمل، وغير ذلك).