Depressive reactions in adults and adaptation reaction in children were most frequently found.
وبالمثل، تظل هناك فوارق كبرى في معدلات وفيات الأمومة من مقاطعة لأخرى.
How to deal with loss as experienced by children; Adjusting the concepts of death and loss to children's and adolescents' understanding; The psychology of grief among children and adolescents; Children's psychological disorders; Criteria for family effectiveness in dealing with children; Dealing with marital problems that have an impact on children's upbringing and development; Developing children's socialization skills; Children's psychological traumas; The depressive reaction in children.
- الاضطرابات النفسية لدى الأطفال.
After all, we can assume that the animal spirits ofinvestors and financiers has been further depressed as apsychological reaction to the exuberant belief just a few years agoin the powers of financial engineering.
وبوسعنا أن نفترض أن الغرائز الحيوانية لدى المستثمرينوالشركات المالية أصبحت أشد إحباطاً كرد فعل نفسي إزاء الاعتقادالحماسي الذي ساد قبل بضعة أعوام فقط في القوى السحرية التي تتمتع بهاالهندسة المالية.