He states that he is suffering from various physical and psychological after-effects, which have been confirmed by medical certificates: one of his eardrums has been perforated, he is suffering from chronic otitis, some of the bones in his ear have been destroyed, he has serious problems with his vocal cords, chewing is painful for him, he is suffering from depression and he has post-traumatic stress symptoms.
فإحدى طبلتي الأذن قد خرمت ويعاني التهاباً مزمناً في الأذن، إضافة إلى أن تدمير بعض عظام الأذن ومعاناته مشاكل خطيرة في حباله الصوتية، وتؤلمه عضلة المضغ ويعاني اكتئاباً وأعراض الإجهاد اللاحق للإصابة.