It's nitrocellulose with inorganic nitrate.
إنّه نيتروسليلوز مع نترات غير عضوية
It was nitrocellulose plastic, spontaneously combusting with water.
إنه بلاتسيك من نيترات السيليلوز .يحترق عفويا مع الماء
Cordite is a compound used in ammunition, which is comprised of nitroguanidine, nitrocellulose, and nitroglycerin.
البارود هو المركب المستخدم في صناعة المتفجرات ويتكون من نيتروجين, نيتروسليلوز, ونيتروجليسرين
Cordite is a compound used in ammunition, which is comprised of nitroguanidine, nitrocellulose, and nitroglycerin.
الكوردايت مركب يستعمل فى الذخيرة يشتمل على نيتروجواندين ونيتروسيليولوز ونيتروجلسرين
The team then inspected the “Pfizer cellulose” [nitrocellulose? ] production unit, the Research and Development Department, the nitric acid concentration plant and the raw material warehouse.
ثم فتش الفريق وحدة إنتاج الفايزرسليلوز ومديرية البحث والتطوير ومصنع تركيز حامض النتريك ومخزن المواد الأولية.
Because you and I both know how easy it is to make a cocktail out of nitrocellulose and ketone, slide it under the back seat.
لانك لا تعلمين سهولة صنع مخلوط بين خلايا النتيروجين والكيتونا كلها محشورة تحت مقعد خلفي
Electric detonators Pyrotechnic detonators Detonating cords Lead azide Mercuric fulminate Lead styphnate Tetrazene Nitroglycerine Nitroamide Pentaerythritol pentanitrate (PENTN) Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (TETRIL) Trinitrophenol (Pyric acid) Ammonium picrate (Explosive D) Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (Halite) Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX) Mixture of TNT, ammonium nitrate and aluminium dust (Ammonal) Mixture of TNT and ammonium nitrate (Amatol) Mixture of PETN and TNT (Pentolite) Mixture of TNT and ammonium picrate (Picrate) Mixture of TNT and fuel oil (Ednatol) Mixture of RDX and TNT (Composition B) Mixture of RDX, TNT and aluminium dust (Torpex) Mixture of RDX and a stabilizer (Composition A-3) Mixture of RDX, polyisobutylene, 2-ethylhexyl sebacate and motor oil (Composition C-4) Mixture of RDX or PETN, nitrocellulose, plastifiers and organic solvents (Plastic explosives) Dynamite or mixtures of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, nitrogenized salts and other additives, in cartridges, and used for demolition and mining work Mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel oil (ANFO) Explosive emulsions or mixtures of ammonium nitrate, nitrogenized salts, other additives and water, used in demolition and mining work, for direct use by spillage or explosion in holes excavated in rocky outcrops.
خليط آر. دي. إكس وتي. إن. تي (المركب باء)
Acetone Arsenious acid Arsenic acid Cyanhydric acid Pure chlorohydric acid or muriatic acid (industrial or impure chlorohydric acid for industrial use) Nitric acid Picric acid (trinitrophenol) Sulphuric acid Liquid ammonia (solution) Acrolein or acrylic aldehyde Arsenic (black or metallic); arsenic (white or arsenic anhydride, also called arsenic trioxide) Sulphur Sulphur dioxide (sulphuric anhydride) compressed in metal tubes Hydrogen peroxide or dioxide Bromine Bromination of acetone Benzyl bromide Cyanogen bromide Xylyl bromide Bromomethylethylketone Benzyl bromide with cyanide Potassium cyanide Sodium cyanide Chlorine Barium chlorate Strontium chlorate Potassium chlorate Sodium chlorate Diphosgene or dichloromethyl chloroformate Chloroacetone Chloroform, trichloromethane or formyl trichloride Thiophosgene or carbon chlorosulfide Cyanuric chloride Chloroacetophenone Chloropicrin or nitrochloroform Chloride of azote Collodion Diphenyl chloroarsine Diphenylamine chloroarsine Diphenylcyanarsine Dinitrocellulose Sulphuric ether (regular ether) Phosphorus Glycerine Hydrogen (compressed in metal tubes) Barium nitrate Strontium nitrate Silver nitrate Potassium nitrate, saltpetre, Kali Nitricum Sodium nitrate Carbon oxychloride or phosgene Potassium permanganate Picrates Dimethyl sulphate Chloroethyl sulphide, iprit, yperite Tin tetrachloride Benzyl iodide Iodoacetone Ethyl iodoacetone Nitrocellulose
المستحلبات المتفجرة أو أخلاط نترات الأمونيوم، وأملاح النيتروجين، وغيرها من المضافات والماء، المستخدمـة في أعمال الهدم والتعدين، من أجل الاستخدام المباشر من خلال سكبها أو تفجيرها في ثقوب حفرت في الطبقات الصخرية الخارجية