recommendations relating to the problem of mental disturbances during pregnancy, birth and in the post-natal period, which among other things recommend close cooperation between the obstetrician, psychiatrist and family doctor, and the patronage service which manages already known mental patients, as well as women with the initial manifestations of symptoms of mental illness during pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period; recommendations for reducing maternal mortality due to post-natal bleeding, which emphasize the importance of taking into account the professional guidelines for monitoring the status and taking measures for women in labour and in the post-natal period with natal or post-natal bleeding, or after surgical procedures during or after birth; recommendations for monitoring pregnancies of chronic patients, which are important primarily due to the rising average age of women giving birth and the consequent increase in chronically ill women among them; recommendations in connection with unfavourable socioeconomic factors, intended to reduce risks for women from socially marginal layers of society and women who either due to a lack of awareness and social exclusion or their lack of official status (e.g. refugees, immigrants) and the consequent lack of health insurance do not take advantage of reproductive health-care services.
- توصيات تتعلق بالعوامل الاجتماعية الاقتصادية غير المواتية، والتي يُقصَد بها الحدّ من المخاطر فيما يتعلق بالمرأة المنتمية للطبقات المهمّشة اجتماعياً في المجتمع والمرأة التي بسبب نقص الوعي أو الإقصاء الاجتماعي أو افتقارها إلى الوضع الرسمي (اللاجئات والمهاجرات على سبيل المثال) وما يتبع ذلك من الافتقار إلى التأمين الصحي، اللائي لا يتمتعن بميزة خدمات الرعاية الصحية الإنجابية.