Thou wouldst have deemed them awake , whilst they were asleep , and We turned them on their right and on their left sides : their dog stretching forth his two fore-legs on the threshold : if thou hadst come up on to them , thou wouldst have certainly turned back from them in flight , and wouldst certainly have been filled with terror of them .
« وتحسبهم » لو رأيتهم « أيقاظا » أي منتبهين لأن أعينهم منفتحة ، جمع يقظ بكسر القاف « وهم رقود » نيام جمع راقد « ونقلبهم ذات اليمين وذات الشمال » لئلا تأكل الأرض لحومهم « وكلبهم باسط ذراعيه » يديه « بالوصيد » بفناء الكهف وكانوا إذا انقلبوا انقلب هو مثلهم في النوم واليقظة « لو اطلعت عليهم لولَّيت منهم فرارا ولملِّئت » بالتشديد والتخفيف « منهم رعْبا » بسكون العين وضمها منعهم الله بالرعب من دخول أحد عليهم .
Thou wouldst have deemed them awake , whilst they were asleep , and We turned them on their right and on their left sides : their dog stretching forth his two fore-legs on the threshold : if thou hadst come up on to them , thou wouldst have certainly turned back from them in flight , and wouldst certainly have been filled with terror of them .
وتظن -أيها الناظر- أهل الكهف أيقاظًا ، وهم في الواقع نيام ، ونتعهدهم بالرعاية ، فنُقَلِّبهم حال نومهم مرة للجنب الأيمن ومرة للجنب الأيسر ؛ لئلا تأكلهم الأرض ، وكلبهم الذي صاحَبهم مادٌّ ذراعيه بفناء الكهف ، لو عاينتهم لأدبرت عنهم هاربًا ، ولَمُلِئَتْ نفسك منهم فزعًا .
And you would have reckoned that they were awake (as) they were lying down, and We turned them about towards the right and towards the left, and their dog stretching out his two fore-legs (Literally: his two arms) on the threshold. If you had viewed them, indeed you would have turned away from them in flight and indeed been filled with horror of them.
وتحسبهم أيقاظا وهم رقود ونقلبهم ذات اليمين وذات الشمال وكلبهم باسط ذراعيه بالوصيد لو اطلعت عليهم لوليت منهم فرارا ولملئت منهم رعبا