Rh factor? Her serum immunoglobulin levels?
العامل الريصي ؟ مصل الدم لمستويات الأجسام المناعية الخاصة بها ؟
Blood work looks fine, the RH factor levels are normal and your calcium's OK.
، يبدو عمل الدم جيداً مستويات "عامل ريساس" عادية و معدل الكالسيوم يبدو بخير
Complete medical examination including weight and height measurements and a dental check-up; Laboratory studies (urine, for sugar and protein; and blood, for haemoglobin, Rh factor, hepatitis B, complete blood picture and AIDS); Checking of the viability and natural growth of the foetus within the womb (ultrasound imaging of the uterus, auscultation of foetal heart rate); Preparation for natural breast feeding through the necessary consciousness-raising; The offering of the necessary treatment for certain simple occurrences, in addition to vitamins and mineral salts.
• تقديم العلاج اللازم لبعض الحالات البسيطة، بالإضافة إلى الفيتامينات والأملاح المعدنية.
Complete medical examination including weight and height measurements and a dental check-up; Laboratory studies (urine, for sugar and protein; and blood, for haemoglobin, Rh factor, hepatitis B, complete blood picture and AIDS); Checking of the viability and natural growth of the foetus within the womb (ultrasound imaging of the uterus, auscultation of foetal heart rate); Preparation for natural breast feeding by means of the necessary consciousness-raising; The offering of the necessary treatment for certain simple occurrences, in addition to vitamins and mineral salts.
• الفحوصات المعملية (فحص البول: السكر والزلال، وفحص الدم: الهيموجلوبين، عامل الريزوس والالتهاب الكبدي ب، وفحص الدم الكامل: الإيدز)؛