Ego or body? A little bit of both.
نفسيًا أم جسديًا؟ - كلاهما -
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the equal dignity of all human beings of the planet; dignity - main value of life - is rooted in the genome as a project to be implemented during lifespan; biological development should be matched by a similar development of the aware ego; information reaching the brain modulates behaviour and awareness; children depend totally on family and social information; quality of information determines the quality of development of behaviour and consciousness; the ego shall be the master of the psycho-motor activity of one's body and brain; the ego shall identify the substance of information to enrich one's knowledge; freedom is directly proportional to the knowledge of one's potential; the ego shall be aware of its uniqueness and of its capacity to relate to the environment; information shall be provided to children to identify its intrinsic value; self-esteem, autonomy and self-confidence must be complete at puberty; the biological identity of gender fosters the creative expression and use of one's body and brain; the ego must verify the substance of information; the child's ego has a brain with a huge potential, without limits to perceive and understand all that freely informs it; any imposition conditions and limits the expression of its potential; no one is born “good” or “bad”, but with a brain ready to realize an aware and wise ego; brain potentially holds dignity, freedom, justice, and love as basic genetic drives, and is able to verify what is true or false; children refuse all violating their natural right to be respected in dignity and freedom.
• الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان يقر بتساوى جميع البشر على وجه البسيطة في الكرامة؛