داءُ هَنْتِنْغتُون {رَقَصُ هَنْتِنْغتُون}
huntington's disease?
قلت لك لا اريد
huntington's disease?
انا اسف لكن ذلك
She has Huntington's Disease?
لديها مرض (هانتينقتن)؟
I have huntington's disease.
"أنا مصابٌ بداء "هانتنغتون
I have Huntington's Disease.
"أنا مصابٌ بداء "هانتنغتون
He had Huntington's Disease.
"لقد كان لديه مرض "هنتجتون ...إنه
He had Huntington's disease.
لقد كان مصابا بمرض هنتنغتون
She has Huntington's disease?
لديها مرض (هانتينقتن)؟
He had Huntington's disease. It's...
"لقد كان لديه مرض "هنتجتون ...إنه
Her passion was Huntington's disease.
" شغفها كان مرض " هانتينتون