- Cardiac asthma, Dr. Yang. - And you know that because...
" ربـو قلبـيّ المنشـأ يـا د. " يـانـغ - وكيـف عـرفـتِ هـذا !؟ -
A full medical examination for all students in the first, seventh and tenth grades, achieving an annual coverage of approximately 99 per cent; A general oral and dental check-up, as well as a dental cleaning programme, for all first-grade students, there being mobile dental clinics throughout the Sultanate in which dentists examine the students in the target group and carry out dental cleaning; A sight test for all students in the first, seventh and tenth grades during which the school health team examines students and identifies those with weak vision, after which the optometrist in the region is notified in order to follow up the case and prescribe suitable spectacles; A general check-up for trachoma for all first-grade students and treatment for any cases detected; A hearing test and a test to detect health problems for all first-grade students, there being approximately 40 mobile units in the Sultanate that offer hearing tests, achieving a coverage rate of about 95 per cent in 2003; Simple treatment and essential first aid; Follow-up of cases requiring special care, such as cardiac disease, epilepsy, asthma and diabetes; Referral and follow-up of cases requiring a specialist opinion.
- فحص السمع واكتشاف أي مشاكل صحية لطلبة وطالبات الصف الأول حيث يتوفر في مناطق السلطنة حوالي 40 جهازاً متنقلاً لفحص السمع وقد وصلت نسبة التغطية إلى حوالي 95 في المائة في عام 2003؛