Androids can't act compulsively.
الرجل الآلـي لا يمكنه التصرف أبداً بشكل عاطفي
Androids can't act compulsively,
الرجل الآلـي لا يمكنه التصرف أبداً بشكل عاطفي
The definition of neurotic... is a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts...
لا، تعريف العصبية هو شخص يعاني من القلق أو الأفكار المهووسة أو الأفعال القهرية
The definition of neurotic... a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts... ...without any objective evidence of...
هو شخص يُعاني، الجزع، أفكار إستحواذيـّة ...تصرفات قهريـّة ...بدون أي دافع - ! إخرسي -
The definition of neurotic is a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts and physical ailments without any objective evidence of...
لا، تعريف العصبية هو شخص يعاني من القلق أو الأفكار المهووسة أو الأفعال القهرية و أمراض جسدية بدون أي أدلة موضوعية
No. The definition of neurotic is a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts and physical ailments without any objective evidence of...
لا، تعريف العصبية هو شخص يعاني من القلق أو الأفكار المهووسة أو الأفعال القهرية
The definition of a neurotic is person suffering from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts and and physical symptoms without any evidence ...
لا، تعريف العصبية هو شخص يعاني من القلق أو الأفكار المهووسة أو الأفعال القهرية و أمراض جسدية بدون أي أدلة موضوعية
The definition of neurotic is a person who suffers from anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive acts and physical ailments without any objective evidence of--
هو شخص يُعاني، الجزع، أفكار إستحواذيـّة ...تصرفات قهريـّة
The Anti-Prostitution Act (law No. 10 of 1961) provides for severe penalties for every person who employs, persuades or incites any person, male or female, by means of deception, force, threats, the abuse of authority or any other means of compulsion, to commit acts of fornication or prostitution.
كما حدد قانون الدعارة رقم 10 لعام 1961 عقوبات مشددة على كل من استخدم أو استدرج أو أغرى شخصا ذكراً أو أنثى بقصد ارتكاب الفجور أو الدعارة وذلك بالخداع أو بالقوة أو بالتهديد أو بإساءة استعمال السلطة أو غير ذلك من وسائل الإكراه.
Penal Code (law No. 12 of 1994) Article 35 of the Penal Code runs as follows: “A person who performs an unlawful act under such material compulsion or force that it is impossible for him to resist shall not be deemed to have committed a criminal offence, and responsibility for the offence in question shall lie with the person exerting the compulsion or force, except where the act involves the killing or torture of a human being, in which case responsibility shall lie with both the person acting under compulsion and the person exerting the compulsion.” Under article 166 of the Code, “Every public official who in the performance of his duty tortures or subjects to force or threats, either in person or through the agency of another, any suspect, witness or expert as a means of making him admit to or provide views or information about a criminal offence shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than ten years, without prejudice to the victim's right to retaliation, blood-money or financial compensation for injury.” Article 167 states, “Every public official who subjects or orders another to subject any individual to a penalty other than the penalty to which he has been sentenced or to a more severe penalty, or refuses to comply with an order for his release, where the official in question is responsible for so complying, or wilfully detains him in a penal institution after the elapse of the time specified in the order concerning his case, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than three years or to a fine, and shall in every case be dismissed from his post.” Article 168 states, “Every public official who improperly uses force on any person, relying without justification on the authority of his office, and thereby degrades that person's dignity or causes him physical pain, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than one year or to a fine, without prejudice to the victim's right to retaliation or financial compensation for injury, and shall in every case be dismissed from his post.” Article 246 states, “Everyone who unlawfully detains or confines any person or deprives him of his freedom by any means shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than three years, or to a term of imprisonment of not more than five years where the offender is a public official, an individual impersonating a public official or an individual bearing arms, where the offence is committed by two or more individuals, where the offence is committed for the purpose of robbery, where the victim is a minor or a mentally handicapped person, or where the offence is such as to deprive the victim of his freedom or to endanger his life or health.” Article 249 states, “Everyone who abducts an individual shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than five years, or to a term of imprisonment of not more than seven years where the victim is a woman, a young person, or an insane or mentally unbalanced person, or where the abduction is carried out by force, threats or deception, or to a term of imprisonment of not more than ten years where the abduction is accompanied or followed by injury, assault or torture, without prejudice to the victim's right to retaliation or financial compensation for injury, as the case may be, depending on the harm suffered by the victim.
وتنص المادة 249 على أنه "يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزيد على خمس سنوات كل من خطف شخصاً، فإذا وقع الخطف على أنثى أو على حدث أو على مجنون أو معتوه أو كان الخطف بالقوة أو التهديد أو الحيلة كانت العقوبة الحبس مدة لا تزيد على سبع سنوات وإذا صاحب الخطف أو تلاه إيذاء أو اعتداء أو تعذيب كانت العقوبة الحبس مدة لا تزيد على عشر سنوات، وذلك كله دون الإخلال بالقصاص أو الدية أو الأرش على حسب الأحوال إذا ترتب على الإيذاء ما يقتضي ذلك، وإذا صاحب الخطف أو تلاه قتل أو زنا أو لواط كانت العقوبة الإعدام".