contagious abortion {infectious abortion}
6.1.3 Regional project to combat contagious abortion (brucellosis)
بعـد التحيــة والتقديــر،
These diseases are screw-worm fly infestation, FMD, contagious abortion and Rift Valley fever.
(توقيع) الدكتور إبراهيم قويــدر المدير العام لمنظمة العمل العربيــة
Contagious abortion is a serious animal disease which causes abortion and a fall in overall milk production.
يسعدنـي تأكيــد مشاركة المنظمـة في هذا الاجتماع الهــام.
As part of the project, AOAD ran a regional training course on the diagnosis and epidemiology of contagious abortion in Amman in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period 15-26 October 2003.
وتفضلوا سيادتكم بقبـول وافر التقديــر والاحتــرام.
The AOAD project is intended to support national programmes to combat and control the spread of contagious abortion by establishing a unified epidemic investigation system and a programme for the exchange of information and research findings, as well as smoother cooperation, supplementary programmes and trade in livestock and animal products.
وتجـدون معاليكم مرفقـا هذه المقترحات بعد الاطلاع على التقـرير المشتـرك للأمم المتحدة والبنـك الدولــي، الذي يتضمن التقديرات المشتركـة لإعـادة البنــاء والإعمـار في العراق، والصـادر في تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2003.
As part of the advance preparation for the project, the AOAD General Directorate contacted the competent authorities in Iraq in order to provide them with the research and studies available on contagious abortion and request the country coordinator of the programme to notify AOAD of the material and equipment which Iraq needed in order to conduct a serology survey of the disease.
وإذ نأمــل التكـرم بالتوجيــه باتخاذ اللازم بشــأن الوثيقـة المرفقـة، نتمنـى للاجتماع تحقيــق الأهداف المرجــوة.