ROMULUS: The pentangle.
العلامة، نفسها على السيفِ
Maybe that pentangle was for something supernatural.
لَرُبَّمَا الذي النجمة كَانَت لعالم ماوراء الطبيعةِ
And see here-- He carved the pentangle,
واُنظروا هنا
ROMULUS: The pentangle. It's the same as on the sword.
العلامة، نفسها على السيفِ
It's a pentangle, a five-pointed star. It's used in witchcraft.
هو نجم مدبّب خماسي يستعملُ في السحرِ
- I have no idea. Maybe that pentangle was for something supernatural.
لَرُبَّمَا الذي النجمة كَانَت لعالم ماوراء الطبيعةِ
Marked by the sign of a pentangle. And as it was written.
محدد بإشارةِ الموظّفين
For generations. it lay in a secret place. marked by the sign of a pentangle. and as it was written. under the very gaze of Caesar.
للأجيالِ بَقيتْ في المكانِ الآمنِ محدد بإشارةِ الموظّفين ومَع تسجيل مِنْ وجهةِ نظر قيصر الخاصة
The cutting edge he tempered in the blood of a lion, and see here-- he carved the pentangle, a symbol of faith and truth, so whoever held this sword would have faith and know that it would serve one cause, and one cause only.
الجانب الجارح، أعدَّه من دم أسد واُنظروا هنا نَحتَ الموظّفين رمز الإيمانِ والحقيقةِ