On the actions of developing countries, the negotiators pointed out that “measurable, reportable and verifiable” is applied to mitigation actions by developing countries that represent are relative reductions or “substantial deviations from baseline”.
وفيما يخص إجراءات الدول النامية، أشار الفريق إلى أن عبارة ``بطريقة يمكن قياسها والإبلاغ عنها والتحقق منها'' تطبق على إجراءات التخفيف من جانب البلدان النامية التي تتمثل في إجراءات تخفيض نسبية أو``انحرافات جوهرية عن خط الأساس''.
(c) Third, empirical research seems to confirm that business firms have a limited scope and duration, but at the same time relatively wide latitude to deviate from full optimization of economic utility; that is, they can go in the near rational direction without incurring significant economic losses.35 For instance, a degree of fairness is often factored into business decisions.
(ج) ثالثا، يبدو أن البحوث التجريبية تؤكد أن لشركات الأعمال التجارية نطاقا ومدى زمنيا محدودا، لكنها تملك في الوقت نفسه مجالا أوسع نسبيا يتيح لها إمكانية الابتعاد عن التعظيم الكامل للمنفعة الاقتصادية؛ أي أنها تستطيع أن تسير في الاتجاه الأقرب إلى العقلانية بدون أن تتحمّل خسائــر اقتصاديــة كبيرة. فعلى سبيل المثــال، كثيرا ما تنطوي قرارات الأعمال التجارية على قدر من الإنصاف.
GHG emissions on regular, comprehensive and more frequent basis (Japan, Norway, United States, MISC.5; Australia, Canada, MISC.5/Add.2) for countries with economies that account for the bulk of global GHG emissions (Japan, MISC.2; New Zealand, MISC.5), including regular and comprehensive inventories of emissions in key sectors (Australia, MISC.5/Add.2); Implementation of sustainable development actions that reduce the rate of emissions growth (Brazil, MISC.5); The sustainable development benefits and climate co-benefits of the mitigation actions, as well as costs of actions to be supported for pledged voluntary actions (South Africa, MISC.5); Outcomes/results of NAMAs, i.e. aggregate emissions, at least for key emitting sectors (EC and its member States, MISC.5/Add.1); Actions capable of achieving quantifiable emission limitations or reductions that can be extrapolated or projected (and if needed aggregated) based on agreed methodologies (Australia, MISC.5/Add.2); Mitigation actions by developing countries, which provide for relative reductions or deviations from baseline (South Africa, MISC.5/Add.2); Reporting to the COP on voluntary national action plans, including policies and measures for mitigation, by countries without binding commitments (other than major emitting countries, in particular LDCs and SIDS), while major developing countries should report on specific targets incorporated in the GHG emission inventories (Japan, MISC.5 and MISC.5/Add.2); Information on specific targets incorporated in the GHG emission inventories by major developing countries (Japan, MISC.5/Add.2); Actions that cannot be measured in terms of emission limitation or reduction outcomes but can deliver mitigation benefits (e.g. technology R&D, capacity-building, education, behavioural change and enabling environments) (Australia, MISC.5/Add.2); Sectoral data including the introduction rate of technologies, energy efficiency, and stock/vintage of existing equipment (Japan, MISC.1/Add.1 and MISC.5); Energy efficiency targets and renewable energy targets accompanied by concessionary financing from the international community to assist in achieving these targets (AOSIS, MISC.5/Add.2); Specific data relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) (see chapter III C).
(ز) إبلاغ مؤتمر الأطراف عن خطط العمل الوطنية الاختيارية، بما في ذلك برامج وتدابير التخفيف، من جانب البلدان التي ليس عليها تعهدات ملزمة (بخلاف بلدان الانبعاثات الرئيسية، وخصوصاً أقل البلدان نمواً والدول الجزرية الصغيرة النامية)، في حين أن البلدان النامية الرئيسية يجب أن تبلغ عن أهداف محددة داخلة في عمليات حصر انبعاث غازات الدفيئة (اليابان، Misc.5 وMisc.5/Add.2)؛