Like book binding.
كغلاف الكتاب
Introductory occupational courses include garment-making, plumbing, typewriting, home care for the elderly, computer literacy, book-binding, ceramics, repairs to small appliances, etc. Classes are also held in family life education, and post-primary education.
وتنظم صفوف أيضاً عن التثقيف في مجال الحياة الأسرية والتعليم بعد المرحلة الابتدائية.
All Bolero members trade with each other under a legal framework embodied in the Rule Book, which is binding on them.
وجميع أعضاء بوليرو يتاجرون مع بعضهم البعض في إطار قانوني ملزم يجسده كتاب القواعد.