Tumanyan Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute Goris State Pedagogical College Interlingua Linguistics University Yerevan Northern University Yerevan State University of Physical Culture Goris Pedagogical College.
- وفي كلية اللسانيات في جامعة سانت بطرسبورغ للعلاقات الاقتصادية الخارجية والاقتصاد والقانون، فرع يريفان؛
"Introduction to Gender Theory" in the stomatology and pharmacology departments of the Yerevan State Medical Institute in the department of linguistics of the Yerevan branch of the St. Petersburg University for Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law "Fundamentals of Gender Awareness" in the department of journalism of Yerevan Northern University "Introduction to Gender Issues" in the department of journalism "Gender Equality in the System of Human Rights" in the department of basic military training and physical education "Gender-based Discourse of History" in the department of history "Culture Studies and Gender" in the department of foreign languages of the Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute "Gender and Discrimination" in the department of Russian philology of Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute "Fundamentals of Gender Awareness" in the translation department and the Romance/Germanic languages department of the Yerevan Interlingua Linguistics University "Introduction to Gender Theory" at the Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture
- ”أساسيات الوعي الجنساني“ في شعبة الترجمة وشعبة اللغات ذات الأصل اللاتيني - الجرماني بجامعة ”انترلنغوا“ للسانيات في يريفان؛