naivete [pl. naivetes]
Please forgive her naivete.
أرجوك سامحها
His sweet naivete.
. سذاجته اللطيفة
Talk about shameless naivet!
! تحدث عن السذاجه الوقحه
Your naivete is adorable.
سذاجتك رائعه
Childish naivete, or defeated cynicism?
ساذج طفوليّ أو مُستسخف مهزوم؟
My naivet worked to your benefit.
قلبى الحساس يعمل لصالحك
Guys, you realize you're exploiting the naivete
يارفاق , أنتم تستغلون السذاجه
Until I am cured of my naivete...
..حتى أتخلص من سذاجتي
Frankly, I was surprised by your naivete.
فرانكلي تفاجأت بحماقتك هذه
- Their naivete could be their downfall. - That is correct.
بساطتهم يمكن أن تكون سقتطهم - هذا صحيح -