"Everyone looks charmed by me."
"الكل مفتون بي"
The snakes are charmed by the mambo.
هذه الأفاعى مسحورة من المامبو
And what, she wasn't charmed by that?
ألمَ يفتنها ذلك ؟
I'd still be charmed by it.
.سأكون مسحورًا به
Renee was charmed by the new neighbor.
رينيه " سحرت بالجار الجديد "
Naturally I was charmed by what you wrote about me.
بالطبع كنتُ مفتونة .بما كتبته بشأني
And what, she wasn´t charmed by that?
ألمَ يفتنها ذلك ؟
Huh? Oh, my God, I'm so not charmed by that.
يا الهي, انا غير مسحورة بهذا الكلام على الاطلاق
- She's aware of that. - Okay, I was charmed by Doyle.
- هي مدركة لذلك - حسنا، أنا سُحِرتُ بدويل.
Many a man who had been charmed by the spinster... ... renewed his offers to the widow.
العديد من الرجال الذين سُحروا من قبل المرأة العانس جددوا عروضهم للأرملة