You're conspiring against us!
يحيى في العربية
Of conspiring against you.
.بالتآمر ضدكِ
You conspire against me.
تتأمرين ضدي
Conspiring against your own father!
!تقومين بمؤامرة ضد والدكِ؟
You believe I'm conspiring against my husband.
أنت تصدق أننى ضد زوجى
You conspire against an old man.
.أنتَ تتآمر على رجل عَجوز
It sounds like we're conspiring against him.
كما لو أننا نتآمر ضده
Kings who conspired against one another,
وملوكا يتآمر أحدهم على آلآخر
Kings who conspired against one another.
وملوكا يتآمر أحدهم على آلآخر
That you were conspiring against my father.
انكَ كنت تتقامر ضد والدي