I'm compelled to agree.
أَنا مُرغَمُ للمُوَافَقَة.
I was compelled to stay... ...compelled to disobey.
لقد برمجت على العصيان
I was compelled to stay... ...compelled to disobey.
.مجبر على العصيان...
I was compelled to stay. . . . . .compelled to disobey.
لقد برمجت على العصيان
I was compelled to stay ... ... compelled to disobey.
لقد برمجت على العصيان
I'm compelled to vote no.
انا مجبر أن أقول لا
I am compelled to do.
أنا مجبر على فعله
I am compelled to do.
أنا مجبر على فعله ! لا ! لا
Pakistan was compelled to act.
واضطرت باكستان للتصرف.
Sounds pretty compelling to me.
يبدو مقنعاً جداً بالنسبه لي .