"That magic week in France." It's all here in blank verse.
.. الإسبوع السحري في فرنسا
"That magic week in France." It's all here in blank verse.
".ذلك الإسبوع السحري فى فرنسا" .كُل شيءٍ هُنا فى شعرٍ مُرسل
The adventurous knight shall use his foil and target... ...the lover shall not sigh gratis... ...the humorous man shall end his part in peace... ...the clown shall make those laugh whose lungs are tickled o' th' sere... ...and the lady shall speak her mind freely, or the blank verse shall halt for it.
أما الفارس المغامر ،فسيمتعنا بمبارزاته وأما العاشق ،فلن تذهب آهاته هباء والممثل الكوميدي سينهي دوره بهدوء ومتعــه