gamesters [sing. gamester]
Could be a naive loser. Or a skilled gamester.
يمكن أن يكون خاسر ساذج. أو لاعب ماهر.
Did I mention I was a video gamester?
هل ذكرتُ أنّي بارعٌ في الألعاب؟
The closest they ever got was "Scotty, beam us up" in "the Gamesters of Triskelion" and "the Savage Curtain" episode,
سكوتي لم يقل ابدا انهم اصبحو اقرب
By these wonderful circumstances, Barry was once more free... ...and began his professional work as a gamester... ...resolving, thenceforward and forever, to live the life of a gentleman.
بهذة الظروف الرائعة، باري" كان حر مرة أخرى" وبدأ عملة كمحترف كمقامر قرر بعد ذلك أن يعيش بعد ذلك حياة رجل محترم وإلى الأبد