Individualism and materialism continue to be extolled at the expense of social and human values.
ولا يزال يتم تبجيل النزعة الفردية والمادية على حساب القيم الاجتماعية والإنسانية.
Individualism and materialism continue to be extolled at the expense of social and human values.
ولا تزال النـزعة الفردية والمادية تتزايد على حساب القيم الاجتماعية والإنسانية.
Ideologies which mankind had paid an unprecedented price to overcome were once again being extolled, with huge financial support and new recruits among young people.
وتتحجج المجموعات العنصرية والمتطرفة بصورة متواترة بحقها في حرية التعبير.
All Extolment be to Allah above what they describe.
سبحان الله عما يصفون
All Extolment be to your Lord, The Lord of Might, above whatever they describe!
سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون
They said, All Extolment be to our Lord! Surely we were unjust."
قالوا سبحان ربنا إنا كنا ظالمين
And they make up to Allah daughters. All Extolment be to Him! And they have whatever they lust for.
ويجعلون لله البنات سبحانه ولهم ما يشتهون
All Extolment be to Him and Supremely Exalted be He above whatever they say, by a great exaltation!
سبحانه وتعالى عما يقولون علوّا كبيرا
And they say, All Extolment be to our Lord! Decidedly the promise of our Lord has indeed been performed!"
ويقولون سبحان ربنا إن كان وعد ربنا لمفعولا
And they have said, "The All-Merciful has taken to Him a child." All Extolment be to Him. No indeed, they (i.e., the messengers) are honored bondmen.
وقالوا اتخذ الرحمن ولدا سبحانه بل عباد مكرمون