In the speech he delivered when affixing his seal to the dahir establishing IRCAM, the King reaffirmed his desire to promote and ensure the respect for the Amazigh culture, and declared: “Morocco … is making each of its regions into a centre of creativity where all kinds of potential can be expressed, find fulfilment, develop and prosper within the democracy practised by its citizens … We are paying very particular attention to promoting the Amazigh language as part of the implementation of our project for a democratic and modernized society, based on the consolidation and enhancement of the Moroccan persona and its linguistic, cultural and civilizational symbols … We also affirm that Amazigh, with its roots at the core of the history of the Moroccan people, belongs to all Moroccans without exception and cannot be used for political designs of any kind.
وقد أكد الملك مجدداً، في الخطاب الذي ألقاه بمناسبة إصدار ظهير إحداث المعهد الملكي للثقافة الأمازيغية، على رغبته في تشجيع الثقافة الأمازيغية وفرض احترامها فصرح أن: "المغرب [] يجعل من كل جهة من جهاته مجالاً خصباً يتيح لكل طاقاته التفتح والنمو والازدهار في إطار ممارسة ديمقراطية مواطنة.