تجل {التّجَلّي}
Certain things have come to light, and...
..لقد ظهرت بعض الأشياء و
New shit has come to light.
ظهرت أشياء جديدة
Some new evidence has come to light.
لقد ظهرت أدلة جديدة
A new fact has come to light.
حقيقه جديده ظهرت
The truth has come to light...
...الحقيقة قد ظهرت
So it will never come to light.
وهكذا فطفلي لن يرى النور
It means we've come to light.
هذا يعني أننا إنكشفنا
Certain things have come to light and...
..لقد ظهرت بعض الأشياء و
New information has come to light
كيف يأخذون القضية منّا؟
Some uncomfortable evidence has come to light.
ثمة أدلة غير مريحة ظهرت للضوء