to be agreeable {for}
اتفق {مَع}
Would that be agreeable?
هل هذا مناسب؟
Would 60-40 be agreeable?
هل نسبة 60-40 تجعلك توافق ؟
If that'd be agreeable... Stupid.
لو وافقتي.. غبي
If that'd be agreeable... Stupid.
إذا ذلك سَيَكُونُ موافقَ. . . غبي.
If that'd be agreeable... Stupid.
..لو وافقتي غبي
I was just trying to be agreeable.
احاول ان اوافقك فى الرأى فحسب
ANNA: Would 60-40 be agreeable?
هل نسبة 60-40 تجعلك توافق ؟
That they had best be agreeable.
.أنه من الأفضل لهم أن يوافقوا - أسنكون كالرومان إذن؟ -
As well as being agreeable, I'm very authentic!
وبقدر ما أنا متوافقة بقدر ما انا مسيطرة
- Please, be agreeable. - Me? When am I not?
ارجوك,كن مقبولا انا؟ ومتى لم اكن كذلك؟