Frontload Tech engineers.
مهندسي التقنية , جميعهم
- You're an engine tech?
ألديكم الكثير من الإختبارات؟- أجل الكثير منها-
Phd, electrical engineering, cal tech.
و الدكتوراه فى الهندسة الكهربائية من جامعة كال للتكنولوجيا
As those countries have especially targeted high-tech engineers and scientists from developed countries, the returned workers have helped boost domestic production and exports.
وبما أن تلك البلدان استهدفت بصفة خاصة المهندسين والعلماء ذوي التكنولوجيا العالية القادمين من البلدان المتقدمة، فقد ساعد العمال العائدون في زيادة الإنتاج المحلي والتصدير.
- Yea, engine tech. - Have you taken your lieutenant's exam yet?
وكيف تجري الأمور- ببشاعه-
A great number of environmental solutions are "low-tech" and require engineering and management skills as well as capital rather than proprietary technology.
والكثير من الحلول البيئية هي حلول "تستخدم فيها مستويات منخفضة من التكنولوجيا" وتتطلب مهارات هندسية وإدارية وكذلك رؤوس أموال، لا تكنولوجيا مشمولة بحقوق الملكية.
Basic research, in cooperation with leading world scientific centres, on the evolution of nature and society, establishment of a system of ethical values in the areas of social and economic development, environmental protection, and development of the biosphere; Creation of the technical prerequisites for the environmentally sound increase in the production of fuel and energy and mineral and raw-material resources; Development of competitive technologies, materials, designer projects and technology that will contribute to a sharp increase in Uzbekistan's export potential, particularly in high-tech engineering; Development and large-scale introduction of basic technologies that ensure a significant improvement in the quality of production, promote environmental safety, reduce production costs and saturate the domestic market; Progressive changes in techniques and technology with a view to conserving sufficient resources in order to compensate for the increased cost of raw materials and fuel and energy resources and materials; Selection of highly productive strains of agricultural crops and animals; Development of new, highly effective and environmentally safe technologies, agricultural production, means to combat diseases in agricultural plants and animals, and effective means and methods of irrigating agricultural lands; Creation of highly effective, resource-saving and environmentally pure food-production processes, and of technologies for the processing sector of the agro-industrial complex; Development of the scientific bases and recommendations for the gradual formation in Uzbekistan of a socially oriented market economy and its integration into the world economic system, transformation of the social structure and the political organization of society, and improvement of the State system and law in the transition to a market economy; Scientific and technical support for measures to achieve Uzbekistan's social goals: development of public health and education, social and cultural regeneration, and environmental protection.
- إرساء قواعد علمية ووضع توصيات ترمي إلى تحقيق انتقال تدريجي للاقتصاد في أوزبكستان إلى اقتصاد سوقي اجتماعي المنحى، وإدماجه في النظام الاقتصادي العالمي، وإلى تغيير البنية الاجتماعية والتنظيم السياسي للمجتمع، وتحسين نظام الدولة وقوانينها أثناء الانتقال إلى اقتصاد السوق؛