From his headquarters in Peking... the Chairman, Mao Tse-tung, was triumphantly proclaimed leader... of the new People's Republic of China.
مِنْ مقرِه في بكين. . . الرئيس ,مو تى تونج, أعلنَ زعيمَ بانتصار. . . الجدّدِ جمهورية ناسِ الخزفياتِ.
From his headquarters in Peking... the Chairman, Mao Tse-tung, was triumphantly proclaimed leader... of the new People's Republic of China.
مِنْ مقرِه في بكين. . . الرئيس، ماو تيسونج، أعلنَ زعيمَ بانتصار. . .
Quotations from Chairman Mao (by Mao Tse-Tung)
الاِقْتِبَاسَات من الزَعِيم مَاو