كمية بسيطة {ذات حد واحد}
In 1998, when LTCM went bust, it became all too clear thatthe firm was basically making massive quantities of simple bondtrades, with huge leverage and huge risk.
وفي العام 1998 حين أفلس الصندوق بات من الواضح أن الشركةكانت تعقد عدداً هائلاً من صفقات السندات البسيطة، وبقدر عظيم منالمجازفة.
In the framework of this Agreement, the private sector also comprises public enterprises, agencies and institutions which, in certain countries, fulfil roles that are performed by private entities in other countries; Producing country means a country which grows cocoa in commercially significant quantities; Simple distributed majority vote means a majority of votes cast by exporting Members and a majority of votes cast by importing Members, counted separately; Special Drawing Right (SDR) means the Special Drawing Right of the International Monetary Fund; Special vote means two thirds of the votes cast by exporting Members and two thirds of the votes cast by importing Members, counted separately, on condition that at least five exporting Members and a majority of importing Members are present; Sustainable cocoa economy is a system in which all stakeholders maintain productivity at levels that are economically viable, ecologically sound and culturally acceptable through the efficient management of resources; Tonne means a mass of 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.6 pounds and pound means 453.597 grams; Stocks of cocoa beans means all dry cocoa beans that can be identified as at the last day of the cocoa year (30 September), irrespective of location, ownership or intended use.
مخزونات حبوب الكاكاو تعني جميع حبوب الكاكاو الجافة التي يمكن تحديدها في آخر يوم من السنة الكاكاوية (30 أيلول/سبتمبر)، بصرف النظر عن الموقع أو الملكية أو الاستخدام المزمع.