Whoever the Krauts had on it didn't know a piston head... ... from his sister's titty. I think I can fix it. Okay, Tank.
اعتقد اننى استطيع ان اثبته . حسنا , تانك .افعل ذلك
Whoever the Krauts had on it didn't know a piston head... ...from his sister's titty. I think I can fix it. Okay, Tank.
اعتقد اننى استطيع ان اثبته . حسنا , تانك .افعل ذلك
Two stations down, a technician puts the cross member to work, flipping the engine on its side and installing the remaining three piston heads.
يُخضِع الفنيّ العضو المتقاطع للعمل فيقلب المحرك على جانبه ويركّب رؤوس المكابس الثلاث المتبقية