Include the number of people living in over-crowded, damp, structurally unsafe housing or other conditions which affect health; The number of persons currently classified as living in “illegal” settlements or housing;
يرجى ايراد عدد الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في ظل ظروف تتصف بالاكتظاظ أو الرطوبة أو الإسكان غير الآمن هيكلياً أو غيرها من الأوضاع الضارة بالصحة؛
Include the number of people living in over-crowded, damp, structurally unsafe housing or other conditions which affect health; The number of persons currently classified as living in “illegal” settlements or housing; The number of persons evicted within the last five years and the number of persons currently lacking legal protection against arbitrary eviction or any other kind of eviction; The number of persons whose housing expenses are above any government-set limit of affordability, based upon ability to pay or as a ratio of income; The number of persons on waiting lists for obtaining accommodation, the average length of waiting time and measures taken to decrease such lists as well as to assist those on such lists in finding temporary housing; The number of persons in different types of housing tenure by: social or public housing; private rental sector; owner-occupiers; “illegal” sector; and other.
`6` عدد الأشخاص المقيدين في قائمة الانتظار للحصول على مساكن، ومتوسط مدة الانتظار والتدابير المتخذة لاختزال هذه القوائم فضلاً عن تقديم المعونة إلى المقيدين في هذه القوائم في إيجاد أماكن مؤقتة للإقامة؛